on the mend & on the move

Things have slowed down here at the blog since mid-August. I had a very bad spill on my Gazelle bike in Montreal ,and have been in hospital mending/rehabbing after some serious wrist surgery. A BIG shout out to my sister for hunkering down at my place in Montreal to help me navigate the labyrinth that is the Quebec Healthcare System and help keep the spirit and appetite alive. It’s been a bizarre end to summer for yours truly.

I’m just able to move the wrist enough to get back to the keyboard now , so hopefully other updates will follow in a more timely manner. The summer was busy as I worked away on finishing the first draft of Fallen Angels. I hope to get back at the manuscript later in October for more revisions and changes. I’ll be sending it over at some point for a look-see with a nice small-press in Europe. Hopefully I’ll have some good news on that front in 2023-but there is much work to do still as I get back at things.

It looks like I’ll be relocating back to a small century-cottage I picked up in Hamilton in the summer ,and I will be leaving Montreal behind. Well at least as a full-time resident. Steeltown beckons, and I’m looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and family. And catching the train to a baseball game. Hopefully a return to some radio is in the cards, spinning some soundtracks and synth sounds.

More news to come, but for now think good thoughts.

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